The Young Professionals Choral Collective of Cincinnati (YPCC) is an innovative choral ensemble that combines Cincinnati's love of singing, socializing, and culture for young professionals ages 21-45. YPCC is comprised of more than 1,200 singers who create and share high-quality music in an accessible, fun, and social way.
The ensemble brings together young, energetic people to create quality choral music and connect in a fun, social, accessible, and low-pressure environment. YPCC also creates strong connections to local businesses and arts organizations through post-rehearsal dinners, unique concert collaborations and shared resources with stellar Cincinnati arts organizations.
More information available at
YPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and is supported by the generosity of individuals, local businesses and foundations, Artswave, the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, and the Ohio Arts Council.
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