17 Annual Gathering at Waupaca 2021

  • July 24 - 25, 2021
  • Waupaca Municipal Airport and Par 4 Resort

    2601 Runway Dr
    Waupaca, WI 54981
This event is now over

The 17th Annual Gathering at Waupaca - July 24-25, 2021

Fun, food, and friendship are again planned for our 17th annual Gathering in Waupaca, Wis. July 24 - 25, 2021. Cessna Flyer and Piper Flyer Association members and guests join us in beautiful Waupaca. Meet your fellow members and association staff at a welcome reception Saturday evening.  

A full slate of informative seminars takes place on Sunday with time in between for networking and socializing. The Sunday evening banquet will be held at the Waupaca Ale House with good food and companionship.

Bright and early Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning (July 26 – 28) the air-conditioned motorcoach will take attendees to AirVenture, with an optional night bus on Wednesday to accommodate viewing the night air show.

As usual, we’ll have some fabulous raffle prizes at our Sunday drawing.


Gathering schedule

Saturday, July 24, 2021 

5:30-6:00 pm              Registration (late arrivals can complete registration at any time during the event)

5:30 pm-8:00 pm:      Welcome Reception 


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Seminars and prize drawings will be held at the Waupaca Ale House & Conference Center on the grounds of the Comfort Suites Foxfire hotel.

07:45–08:00    Opening remarks

08:00–09:00    TBA

09:15-10:15    Dry Air Pumps, Now You Know   Vince Bechtel, Tempest Aero Group

10:30-11:30    The Real Cost of Deferring Maintenance   Bill Ross, Superior Air Parts

11:30-13:00    Lunch break    

13:15-14:15    Dual Electronic Ignition Systems, The Future is Now  Michael Kobylik, Electroair 

14:15-15:15    Loss of Control   Ron Blum 

15:15-16:15    Wrap-up and door prize drawing*

18:00-?            Banquet at the Waupaca Ale House


Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday; July 26-28, 2021 

Bus to AirVenture: Monday-Wednesday morning, the bus to AirVenture will be at the Comfort Suites at 7:00 am and will leave for Oshkosh at 7:30 am. The bus will leave the AirVenture grounds at 6:00 pm to return to the Comfort Suites. Bus Sponsors: Tempest Plus, Electronics International, Univair

Night bus Wednesday: The bus will arrive on the grounds at about 10:00 pm and will be ready to depart at 10:45 pm. You must pre-register and pay for the night bus. The fee for the night bus is non-refundable. 


Super Early Bird rate for event registration is just $119.00 when booked by March 1, 2020. ($129 if registering after March 1, but before May 1, $150 thereafter.) Registration is refundable up to June 18, 2020.


Hotel room rate is $129/night for the first 20 rooms booked, $139/night thereafter. Hotel info: Par 4 Resort 201 Foxfire Dr, Waupaca, WI 54981; Tel: (715) 256-9000


Airport: Waupaca Municipal Airport (KPCZ)


Hotel room and AirVenture admission are not included in the registration fee.


Gathering at Waupaca registration includes:

  • Saturday evening welcome reception.
  • Sunday seminars, lunch, and banquet.
  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday motorcoach to the AirVenture grounds.
  • Commemorative t-shirt and goodie bag.

(Wednesday night bus which returns to Waupaca after the night airshow is available for an additional $20/person.)




*All registered/qualified attendees (child registrations do not qualify) will be automatically entered in the drawing. You must be present to win. Note: prizes cannot be redeemed for cash. Also please note that prizes may be specific to certain airframes and may not be suitable for installation on your aircraft. Installation costs are not included. If you receive a prize that will not work for your aircraft, please see one of the staff, often someone else at the Gathering can use the item and a deal can be arranged. 






Date & Time

Jul 24, 2021 6:00 PM - Jul 25, 2021 9:00 PM

Venue Details

Waupaca Municipal Airport and Par 4 Resort

2601 Runway Dr
Waupaca, WI 54981 Waupaca Municipal Airport and Par 4 Resort
Aviation Group LTD-Cessna Flyer & Piper Flyer