2023 AIA West Jersey Allied Membership

  • AIA West Jersey

    P.O. Box 4015
    Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034
Ticket Price $387.53-$567.75 This event is not available

Membership Packages: 

  • A. BRONZE PACKAGE ($375/year): a. Inclusion of company name/logo on all emails to members. b. One social media article spotlight 200 words or less about the products/services provided by your company. c. Inclusion of Business Logo and Representative contact information on our website. d. Inclusion of Business Logo and Representative contact information at sign-in table at all General Membership meetings (Allied Members must provide business cards or similarly sized materials for display and/or distribution). e. Attendance at all General Membership meetings at the standard AIA member price for up to two representatives from each Allied firm. f. Placement on AIA West Jersey mailing and emailing lists for the calendar year. g. Serve as AIA West Jersey committee members. h. Complimentary table at our ‘Meet our Allied Members’ event. 
  • B. SILVER PACKAGE ($450/year): Includes all Bronze Membership Benefits above, plus one (1) showcase table event and verbal (or virtual) presentation, 5-10 mins. 
  • C. GOLD PACKAGE ($550/year): Includes all Bronze Membership Benefits above, plus two (2) showcase table events and verbal (or virtual) presentations, 5-10 mins.
Venue Details

AIA West Jersey

P.O. Box 4015
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034 AIA West Jersey
West Jersey Society Of Architects

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