You can pay for your 2025 assessment to the Knights of Columbus Council 10478 using this store.
Upon completion of your payment you will receive a PDF file at your email address which is your proof of payment. At the same time the council Financial Secretary will receive a message and your account in the Knights Online system will be updated to reflect your status as a member in good standing.
Note that your credit card will be charged a service fee. That is a fee that the bank charges the council for this service and the council must pass this cost to the member.
There are two payment types and you should refer to the mail you received regarding your amount due. There are two possible amounts and you must choose the correct one to pay, either $15.50 or $40.00
$15.50 is for an "Honorary" member, total amount to charge $17.09
$40.00 is for a "Regular" member, total amount to charge $42.32
The vast majority of our members are "Regular".
If you have questions please contact your Financial Secretary.
Rick Reineman