The Hickman County Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit entity of local businesses and individuals coming together to build a flourishing and resilient local economy. We strive for a strong community culture of admiration and respect for our heritage, and our neighbor.
We connect, cultivate, promote, and serve the business of Hickman County.
The 26th Annual Law & Safety Appreciation Dinner is an opportunity for organizations and entities that help keep us safe and healthy to nominate someone that has demonstrated their dedication to public safety. The recipient receives a free dinner and award, and the presenter's meal is also provided free of charge. This is our way of saying thank you to our first responders. The public is also invited and encouraged to attend. Tickets are $30 per person. Please purchase tickets by Feb. 14th.
Date & Time
Tue, Feb 28, 2023 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Venue Details
Fairfield Church of Christ Fellowship Hall
1860 Tennessee 100Centerville, Tennessee 37033