A More Radiant Sphere by Sara Wylie

  • May 18, 2023 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • Bus Stop Theatre Co-op

    2203 Gottingen Street
    Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 3B5
This event is now over

Presented in partnership with Carbon Arc Cinema

Thursday, May 18th @ 6:30pm

Location: Bus Stop Theatre Co-op (2203 Gottingen St)

Duration: 40 mins followed by a 30 mins Q&A with filmmaker Sara Wylie moderated by MLA Gary Burrill

Tickets: $5/$10/$15 (Pay what you can)

[CC] This film will be closed captioned.

A mid-length hybrid documentary about Joe Wallace: Canadian Communist poet, political prisoner, and the filmmaker’s long-lost family member. Shot on 16mm and digital, featuring original songs by award-winning musician Fiver/Simone Schmidt.

“Poetry is of a higher order. It sets bells ringing in the mind of the reader so that he makes his own music …”

Video excerpt: https://vimeo.com/708365211/0c1ddff542

Nearly lost in the annals of Canadian history, the writings of Joe Wallace—radical believer in socialist ideals, writer of anti-capitalist verses, and survivor of detainment by the Canadian government—have been revived by his great-great-niece, director Sara Wylie.

Searching through library archives, family records, and footage from the early decades of the Canadian settler state, Wylie assembles the story of Wallace the poet and revolutionary. “The more I began looking for him, the more I began to see parts of myself reflected,” she says. His poems are spirited, forthright and folksy; they recall a time of great political change and opportunity.

Inextricable from Wallace’s life and work is the history of Canada’s labour movement and the increasing involvement of the state in its disruption. A More Radiant Sphere captures a time and a feeling at risk of being erased by Canadian myth, when the possibility of a world beyond capitalism surged forth into poetry. (Written by Sarah Bakke)

The film will be followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Sara Wylie moderated by Gary Burril, MLA for Halifax Chebucto

Film Credits:

Directed, produced and written by Sara Wylie
Featuring Bruce Wallace

Music by Simone Schmidt
With Nick Dourado on piano
Nathan Doucet on percussion
John Showman on fiddle

Cinematography by Suz Friesen and Sara Wylie
Sound recording by Kellen Jackson and Sara Wylie
Sound mix/edit by Michelle Hwu and Tim Atkins
Colour by Sam Gilling

Date & Time

Thu., May 18, 2023 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Venue Details

Bus Stop Theatre Co-op

2203 Gottingen Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 3B5 Bus Stop Theatre Co-op
Mayworks Kjipuktuk/Halifax

Celebrating May Day and advancing year-round a culture of solidarity at the intersection of labour and art in Mi’kma’ki.