Ancient Drama in Performance VII
October 6-8, 2023
The Center for Ancient Drama at Randolph College is pleased to announce its seventh biannual conference on Ancient Drama in Performance. We encourage all practitioners and all scholars of ancient drama to attend, whether or not performance issues have ever been part of their work. For those who do involve performance in their scholarship, the meeting will be an opportunity to use our Greek theatre to test their own theories about how the ancients practiced drama. For those who have not made performance a factor, it will be an chance to discover the large and small ways that practical questions of theatre inform and enrich the philological and literary study of plays. We will also share research and scholarship in a context that insists on the play as an experience.
The meeting will coincide with a production of Euripides' Ion, directed by Amy R. Cohen, and we look forward both to demonstrating the dramatic power of original practices and to learning much from the responses of the conference-goers.
The conference will feature keynote addresses by John Gibert and T.H.M. Gellar-Goad & Christopher B. Polt.
Date & Time
Oct 6, 2023 7:00 PM - Oct 8, 2023 3:00 PM