In 1924, just a few years prior to the Great Depression a comic strip about a plucky red headed orphan debuted in the New York Daily News. The charming title character’s unique brand of eternal optimism immediately captured the hearts of American citizens. By 1937 Annie had become one of the most popular comic strips in the United States inspiring several film and stage adaptations. The critically acclaimed Broadway musical opened in 1977 and has since then inspired thousands of productions worldwide.
Annie has a knack of surfacing when we seem to need her the most. Our Oak Knoll production hopes to deliver Annie’s heartfelt message and unique brand of eternal optimism. We truly can’t think of a better time to produce this musical. Annie has the incredible ability to change the perceptions of those around her by sharing her genuine hope for a better tomorrow. Annie has truly stood the test of time.
After the last two years of a pandemic, the themes in this year’s production have never been more relevant. We think we can all be a little kinder, a little more understanding and little more hopeful. With each day, we are blessed with an opportunity to make a fresh start. The sun WILL come out tomorrow, you only need to believe!
On behalf of the directors, cast and crew thank you so much for your support of the OKS performing arts!