Crossroads Comedy Theater is a roaming home in Philly for comedy shows, podcasts, comedy classes, and more! Shows feature hilarious performers from the Philadelphia area and beyond. Classes are taught by the bes instructors in the Philly area who are passionate about making you a better at whatever your focus is. Crossroads is available for private shows, improv workshops, or other things you might have in mind. We are now starting very limited operations in Indianapolis as well!
These student have spent the last six weeks building on their improvisational skills in our Improv 2 class. Come and support them as they take the stage for their graduation show with no idea what they are going to say or do!
COVID-19 INFO: Masks are required while in the building for staff, audience, and performers not on stage. Masks for performers on stage is optional. We are no longer requiring proof of vaccination, though we highly recommend being up to date on all vaccinations. These measures could change based on the guidelines of the CDC and the City of Philadelphia.
COMEDY CLASSES: Crossroads Comedy Theater also offers classes in improv, sketch comedy writing, stand-up, and more! Our six week classes will give you skills that go beyond the stage and page and are suitable for all walks of life, not just performers. For more information click here.
Date & Time
Sat, Jun 3, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM