Connecting Communities Conference

  • November 8, 2024 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • University of Wisconsin Stevens Point - Wausau Campus

    518 South 7th Avenue
    Wausau, Wisconsin 54401
Ticket Price $85.16-$450.00 Register Now

Join us for Mosaic's 2nd Annual Connecting Communities Conference.  Attend training and informational sessions, keynote speaker, and a great lunch!  Keynote Speaker: Alton (Sonny) J Smart. 


Keynote Speaker Bio:

Alton J (Sonny) Smart

Professor Emeritus (1990 – 2020)

Sociology & Social Work Department

UW – Stevens Point

Research Areas:

  • American Indian family systems using a cultural paradigm as the model for assessment
  • Using a culturally developed parenting model “Family Circles” as a model for working with tribal families and communities
  • Assessing cultural parenting styles from “traditional to Acculturated boarding school behaviors
  • Cultural leadership styles and supervision
  • Minobimaadiziwin: What is good Indian Mental Health?

Education and Bio Information

Alton “Sonny” Smart is an Anishsiabe educator who occupies many roles in native and non native communities. He is first and foremost a grandfather, father, husband, son, uncle, and grandson. He is a Tribal Judge; a United States Army (Airborne) Vietnam Veteran; He holds positions on Ojibwa ceremonial Big Drum and Midewiwin medicine societies. He is a member of the Band River Band of Chippewa of Wisconsin, where he was born into the Fish Clan. His spiritual names of Ozaawa ana-quad (Yellow Cloud) and later a Menominee tribal name of Notnowgiishick (Center Sky), when he was adopted into a Menominee Tribal Family.

He was a Professor Emeritus of Social work at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. (1990-2020) Where he coordinated the Native American Rural & Social Work program and Native American Family Institute. He served as Program director of department Social Work program. 2010-15. He taught courses in Native American Social work, child Welfare, Problems in Family Interaction, Human Behavior and the Social Environment, and other social work courses. He has under-graduate and graduate degrees in the social work, sociology and has post-graduate training in Family Therapy. He is state certified as a third-party therapist in individual, family and group therapy. He has served as an expert witness in many Indian Child welfare cases and has done numerous cultural assessments in such cases.

He has worked for various Wisconsin Tribes in many capacities, such as clinical social worker, director of alcohol and drug prevention, in-home family therapist, director of family and counseling services, high school guidance counselor, school cultural specialist, health careers recruiter. He served in the United States Army Airborne field medic in Vietnam and Germany. He has served as a Tribal Judge for the Bad River Band since 1985 where he currently Senior Associate Tribal Judge. (simi-retired)

He currently does consultant work and training in the areas of tribal mental health, Indian child welfare, treatment modalities in working with tribal families, alcohol and drug intervention and prevention, cultural parenting programs, Indian education and cultural teaching styles, community and program development, Peacemaking in tribal courts

He has done work in the areas of tribal leadership development and supervision. He has provided training to tribal, state, federal and private social service and educational agencies and organizations through out the Midwest regional and national levels. He has done training in cultural sensitivity and cultural competency. He has developed assessment tools to assist in evaluating child welfare and counseling tribal clients.

He conceptualized and co-authored the Family Circles Woodland Parenting manual using Ojibwe cultural paradigm as the main learning paradigm. He currently works with the Lac Du Flambeau community in revitalizing the Family circles model as a consultant working with tribal families.

He just recently provided cultural in-depth narration history for the just released documentary “Bad River”, which premiered in theaters across the country March 13th 2024 and is currently available various streaming formats.

He produced an in-depth series of Ojibwe language CD’s with Larry “Amik” Smallwood He currently conducts cultural teachings and presentations on “What is good Indian Mental Health”. Using Ojibway Minobimaadiziwin philosophy: living and maintaining balance.

Sonny has a unique style of blending his cultural knowledge and heritage with the western paradigm of helping. He is able to help bridge the gap between the two worlds in a humorous and non-threatening way through his use of cultural stories of song and dance and life stories of his Anishinabe people.

He has been attending and dancing at powwows through out the country for over 40 years in traditional Woodland and grass dance categories as well as serving as head judge, head Veteran and Arena Director and Master of Ceremonies


Breakout Sessions: Will be released in September. The break out sessions will be on a variety of topics fitting within the theme of IDEA+B and Active Allyship! You will receive an email with your breakout session options for you to select ahead of time by the end of September. 

Date & Time

Fri, Nov 8, 2024 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Venue Details

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point - Wausau Campus

518 South 7th Avenue
Wausau, Wisconsin 54401 University of Wisconsin Stevens Point - Wausau Campus
Mosaic of North Central Wisconsin

Mosaic of North Central Wisconsin's Mission is to ensure North Central Wisconsin is the place individuals choose to live and work because differences are embraced; individuals feel connected, valued, and supported; and there is a strong sense of belonging. 

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