Day Of BSides San Diego 2025

  • March 29, 2025 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • San Diego State University

    6075 Aztec Circle Drive
    San Diego, California 92182
Ticket Price $50.00 Register Now

Welcome to the America's Finest BSides!

BSides San Diego 2025 will be held at San Diego State University. '25 will be a single-day event with all the festivities you come to expect. 

Please monitor our website for the most up-to-date information. 

BSides San Diego is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit and all tickets purchases are tax deductible

We’re happy to have you regardless of what you can pay. If your employer reimburses you for your conference fees, we suggest the ‘Patron’ tier which covers the full cost of the event.


The tiers are suggested donation levels. 

The higher the tier you donate, the more gratitude we give, and the better we can make this year's BSides SD and future events!  There are no other special items or access (accept the copious amount of high fives!).

By accepting a ticket you are agreeing to the BSides San Diego Code of Conduct:



We are doing our first T-Shirt fund raiser! 

If you would like a shirt with this years art Pick one up at :


Date & Time

Sat, Mar 29, 2025 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Venue Details

San Diego State University

6075 Aztec Circle Drive
San Diego, California 92182 San Diego State University
BSides San Diego, Inc.

BSides San Diego is an Information Security conference that is not like any other conference. We’re a 100% volunteer organized event, put on by and for the community. We do not have paid speaking engagements and all speakers are selected by the BSides SD committee for their content and interest that it brings to the community.


BSides San Diego isn't another "talk at you" conference. Everyone at BSides is a participant. The security researchers, engineers, analysts, and business leaders that present at BSides San Diego are looking to engage all of our participants and be engaged by the ideas of the community. They want your feedback, opinions, and questions. 


FInd out more:


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