Defined Dallas - 10X Your Business Through Relationships

  • September 12, 2024 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Conference Room 160B

    5800 Granite Parkway
    Plano, Texas 75024
Ticket Price Free This event is now over

DEFINED DALLAS is bringing together Top Agents and Renowned Coaches from the Dallas Metro area and around the country who are willing to share their playbooks and teach you everything you need to know to take market share and DOMINATE in this new era of real estate and how to dominate your life!!

It will cover: 

  • The keys to self-mastery and how it will transform your life and business.
  • The way to build a sustainable, predictable and duplicatable business utilizing your relationships. 
  • How to organize, categorize and execute an effective follow-up strategy to close more deals through your sphere and past clients. 
  • How relationships are the key to MORE leads, opportunities, growth and success.
  • Specific game plan on utilizing key relationships to break into key markets.
  • How to build wealth through real estate investing.  Best practices, strategies and investment opportunities for real estate agents in today’s market.  
  • Health and wellness best practices and tangible actions to create a more productive and balanced life.
  • How to run a PROFITABLE business - A behind the scenes look at owning a business.
  • How to build wealth through real estate investing and what 'rookie' mistakes you need to avoid

We have nationally acclaimed Transformational Coaches -  Dusty Oglesby and Matt De La Cruz,  Health & Wellness Coach - Jenny Williams, and Top-Producing Agents - Will Koberg, Brent Germany, Michael McCuller, Gilley Mendoza, and Janet Brinck opening up their playbooks to share their "secret sauce" to lead generation, lead follow-up, organization and categorization of database, building a sustainable business, wealth building through real estate investing and the Top 5 Strategies to WIN (that your competition doesn’t know) in TODAY’S ever changing and unchartered real estate market!

Doors open and Registration is at 9:45 am, Session runs from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Free lunch provided.

Date & Time

Thu, Sep 12, 2024 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Venue Details

Conference Room 160B

5800 Granite Parkway
Plano, Texas 75024 Conference Room 160B
Defined Coaching

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