Diabolic Oath w/ Gathering

  • May 1, 2024 8:00 PM - 11:59 PM
  • John Henrys

    881 Willamette Street
    Eugene, Oregon 97401
Ticket Price $12.00 This event is now over

::Flossless Proudly Presents:: 

Diabolic Oath was begotten in Portland, Oregon in late 2017 by the will of The Temple and of Ominous Void. Almost immediately, Cthonian Incursor was summoned to join, providing blasphemous vitriol and unholy thunderous percussion. The trio soon recorded the first offering, “MMXVIII”, and began the first incursions of unforgettably bleak and bludgeoning live rituals. Soon after, the band began writing new material which coalesced to become their mind-bending and flesh-battering first full-length album, “Profane Death Exodus” released in 2020 by Sentient Ruin. To make this album it was decided early on to implement the unique and unorthodox approach of fretless bass and guitar instruments combined with a triple vocal attack delivered by all members of the group, often simultaneously, to harness something unseen and unheard of before then in extreme metal, and completely ungovernable and unhinged. The band’s sound at this point began to flow as free-form sonic death ritual, beginning to assume abominable and experimental traits, and yielding an imposing sound drenched in lawlessness and chaos. Around the same time an anonymous, ritualistic approach to the live setting was adopted, incorporating in live performances meditations on death accompanied by obscure offerings, to further shape the creature’s essence in a realm of mysticism, chaos, and absurdity. The sound of Diabolic Oath is the culmination of a meticulous distillation of influences and styles ranging from black, death, and war metal to doom, and with certain influences (new and old) such as Teitanblood, Morbid Angel, and Bestial Warlust creeping into the mix alternating more pronounced references to more subtle ones. The band has worked tirelessly to carve its Diabolic path, playing shows to support high-caliber underground acts across the Pacific Northwest, Canada, and Mexico. With the debut full-length, “Profane Death Exodus”, the band was intuitively poised to conquer, destroy, and seal the oath, a feat accomplished which paved the way to the next generation of their wretched incantations, namely the cryptic and highly destructive 2022 MLP “Aischrolatreia” (also released on all formats by Sentient Ruin), but mostly, the sublimation of it all, Diabolic Oath’s new heirloom of unconquerable chaos: their immense 2024 sophomore full-length abomination Oracular Hexations.

Support by Bend, OR black metal act, Gathering and more TBA


Date & Time

Wed, May 1, 2024 8:00 PM - 11:59 PM

Venue Details

John Henrys

881 Willamette Street
Eugene, Oregon 97401 John Henrys

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