El Eterno Femenino

  • Apr 23 - May 2, 2021
  • Eastern Standard Time

Ticket Price $15.00-$25.00 Register Now

Performances of the play El Eterno Femenino, farsa by Rosario Castellanos in a combination of English and Spanish, with subtitles.

Performances are fully online. You will receive an email with the password to access the video 5 minutes prior to the performance start time. The password will only be valid during the time of the performance. 

Directed by Drewe Goldstein with associate direction by Kylee Márquez-Downie.


A trip to the beauty salon on the day of her wedding results in a series of dreams for bride-to-be Lupita, exploring her womanhood. Lupita sees her future, explores historic moments, and deconstructs stereotypes of what it means to be a woman. Author Rosario Castellanos uses humor to explore feminism in this well-known play. 

Una salida al salon de belleza en la día de su boda resulta en una serie de sueños para la novia Lupita, explorando su vida como mujer. Lupita ve a su futuro, explorando momentos históricos, y deconstruye los estereotipos de lo que es ser una mujer. Autor Rosario Castellanos usa al humor para explorar el feminismo en esta obra bien conocido. 

Recipient of the VCUarts Undergraduate grant


Date & Time

Apr 23 - May 2, 2021

Lucia Harris