Synopsis: Five lifelong childhood friends are enjoying their annual weekend at the same Fish Camp that they have been going to for over 40 years. The fish camp is much less about fishing, and much more about the time spent with best friends, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If they came to the fish camp only to catch fish, their fishing trips would have ended a long time ago. This year they experience an unexpected trip that leads each one of them to an awakening and freedom from suppressed memories and emotions that have been holding them back.
Doc is a proctologist and the camp cook. He lost his sense of smell during covid.
C. Danny Deals is a used car dealer that has been divorced three times. His current wife is always checking on him because he has become forgetful.
Billy was a fat kid that became a personal trainer and health nut. He is always trying to get the guys at the cabin to exercise.
Johnny (Nicknamed Jumpy) is a prosecuting attorney always looking over his shoulder. He is going through a divorce.
Fabian is a flamboyant hair stylist/salon owner and frustrated musician. Women tell him all of their secrets. His real name is Sheldon Walkenheimer. He has never been married, and the guys assume they know why.
Gina Bellagamba is the girl all the boys had a crush on.
Date & Time
Jul 14 - 23, 2023