For Three Refrigerators and a Washing Machine

  • October 24 - 26, 2024
  • Greenwood Theatre

    55 Weston Street
    Greater London, London SE1 3RA
Ticket Price (GBP) £20.03-£27.38 Buy Tickets

The production of 'For Three Refrigerators and a Washing Machine' is an example of Verbatim Theatre. Based on real documents and real-life events, it tells the story/stories of child adoptions of the Cold War period, from 1950s-60s Greece to the USA and to the Netherlands, with many connections to subsequent intercountry adoption movements. The production makes its World debut in London as a new and original play, underpinned by the research of King's Prof. Gonda Van Steen, with contributions from many adoptees themselves.

The show is directed by Kyriaki Mitsou and it is presented in 3 languages (English, Greek, and Dutch, with the relevent surtitles). A strong, diverse cast from all three countries supports the show, which also contains filmed parts and original music.

The production opens at King's Greenwood Theatre, on the 24-25-26 of October, at 7pm.

It is about time for the many affected people's stories to be told and for their voices to be heard! 

We hope to see you there!

The production team

For more information, contact Claire Millington at


Preliminary Programme:

Film-Stage Direction/Scenography: Kyriaki Mitsou

Movement Direction: Mayra Stergiou

Dramaturgy/Stage Adaptation: Kyriaki Mitsou, Renata Sofrona, Romina Spyraki

Historical Research: Prof. Gonda Van Steen

Cast of Characters: (alphabetical):

Spyros Bibilas

Dimitra Bakalgianni

Mary Cardaras

Christina Charcharidi

Laura Chipler Chico

Giannis Dalianis

Konstantinos Delidimoudis

Jung Sun Den Hollander

Giannis Kouriotis

Yvonni Maltezou

Kyriaki Mitsou

Nick Morrison Baker

Stephanie Pazoles

Katerina Petridou

Chrysoula Skyrla

Renata Sofrona

Romina Spyraki

Mayra Stergiou

The kids

Konstantinos, Marina, and Chrysoula

The Chorus of Adoption Community Voices


Administration: Lefki Papacharalambous

Assistant Director/Stage Manager: Jasmine Newton-Rae

Cinematography/Editing: Konstantinos Lepouris

Costume Design: Rachel Eleftheriou

Costume Design Assistant: Popi Liberos

Film Costume Advisor: Chara Georgiadou

Fly operators: Ellen Scott-Smith, Millie Scrivens

Graphic Design: Spiros Kitsinelis

Lighting Design: Alexandros Politakis

Lighting Operator: Jake Perkin

Make-up Design: Rania Syrtsakou

Marketing/Publicity Managers: Claire Millington, Mischa Alexander

Music Composition: Nefeli Stamatogiannopoulou

Song ‘Lucky girl’: Ulrika Skogby

Social Media Management: George Sotiropoulos

Sound operator: Jacob Hirschkorn

Producers: Culture In Action / King’s College London

Associate Producer: Vertebra Theatre

With thanks to our sponsors:

Alexandra Hospital and Elena Venizelou Hospital, Athens

Artspace Fabrica Athens

Culture in Action

Giota Mitsou Dental Clinic Athens

Golden Goose Theatre (Michael Kingsbury)

Greek Orthodox Church of St Nicholas, Shepherd’s Bush

Greenwood Theatre, King’s College London

Hellenic Foundation for Culture in the UK

Michalis and Eleni Karabetsou

The Schilizzi Social History Workshops

Ulrika Skogby (song: Lucky Girl), with pianist Birgitta Henriksson

Vertebra Theatre Company (Mayra Stergiou)

Yianna Maria Fischer, for “Patras” (2000)

And last but not least, Dr Mary Cardaras, Director of The Demos Center of the American

College of Greece, and the more than 75,000 supporters of the signature drive at:





To see your name added here, please contact Dr Claire Millington, to enquire about our

sponsorship rates.

Date & Time

Oct 24 - 26, 2024

Venue Details

Greenwood Theatre

55 Weston Street
Greater London, London SE1 3RA Greenwood Theatre
Culture In Action