Mission and Purpose
The Georgetown High School Alumni Association was co-founded in 2015 by alumni from the classes of 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1994 and 1997. The GHS Alumni Association has continued to support and promote a positive working relationship with the current high school students, faculty and staff. In the last year, the spirit and leadership of the members of our organization have been well recognized. We have never been content with
following along, but have taken the initiative in setting the standard for others.
GHSAA Mission Statement:
The mission of the Georgetown High School Alumni Association is to maintain a lasting relationship between the graduates and school by fostering the on-going mission of the school, celebrating the values received from their education at Georgetown High School, to engage with the school and the community, to inspire future generations of Georgetown High School students by way of mentoring, advising and tutoring thus creating a continued sense of pride.
GHSAA Roles include the following:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer & Parliamentarian
GHSAA Goals and Objectives:
The Georgetown High School Alumni Association’s primary goal is to foster continued relationships between
GHS alumni and the school, and to support alumni in a social and professional networking. Our goals and objectives shall include, but not limited to the following:
(a) to maintain the relationship of alumni to Georgetown High School and to each other through the social media, sporting events, hmecoming, class reunions and other events;
(b) to award scholarships and other financial awards to deserving students of the Georgetown High School
(c) to render aid and cooperation to Georgetown High School in order to facilitate academic and extracurricular programs and other student activities;
(d) to promote financial membership, contributions, fundraising events and otherwise, in order to support those activities which result in the furtherance of items (a) through (c) above
(e) to promote alumni excellence, campus beautification, school betterment opportunities, recognize distinguished alumni and GHS Alumni Association awareness.