Innovation Marketplace-February 14

  • February 14, 2024 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Central Florida Tech Grove

    12809 Science Drive
    Orlando, Florida 32826
This event is now over

 The Central Florida Tech Grove is excited to announce our next innovation and networking opportunity: Innovation Marketplace!  

The Innovation Marketplace is a first come, first serve opportunity for businesses that want to showcase their capabilities to the government, industry, and academia.

Drop by to meet the exhibiting companies.

Seize the opportunity to interface with representatives from the DOD.

 Network and find collaborative opportunities in the DOD space.

Introduce yourself to Tech Grove 

This registration is for attendees only - not exhibitors! 


Listed Below are the exhibiting companies:

302 Interactive with Talon Simulations 

Ad Hoc Research Associates

Adaptive Immersion

ARA Virtual Heroes

Ashire Technologies & Services, Inc.


Axelera Technologies

Digimation, Inc. DBA DART Range

FermiTron, Inc.

Gigantor Technologies INC

Learn to Win

Rapid Prototyping Services, LLC

Silicon Assurance

Summit Broadband


Tangram Flex

Top Tech Clocks

Transtek International



Date & Time

Wed, Feb 14, 2024 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Venue Details

Central Florida Tech Grove

12809 Science Drive
Orlando, Florida 32826 Central Florida Tech Grove
Central Florida Tech Grove

The Central Florida Tech Grove is a hub for accelerating collaboration and innovation in defense modeling, simulation, training, and human performance.  Tech Grove is located in the Central Florida Research Park in Orlando, Florida which is the epicenter of the nation's largest cluster of government, industry, academic, and industry organizations developing and delivering training and simulation products for our nation's military. Tech Grove was established in 2020 through a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) between the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) and the University of Central Florida Research Foundation.  Ten other Department of Defense entities are Tech Grove members with NAWCTSD: US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), US Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation (AFAMS), US Marine Corps Program Manager for Training Systems (PM TRASYS), US Army Simulation & Training Technology Center (STTC), US Army Futures Command Synthetic Training Environment Cross-Functional Team (STE CFT), Defense Health Agency (DHA), U.S. Space Force Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM), Strategic Environmental Research and Development (SERDP), Army Modeling Simulation Office (AMSO), and the Office of Naval Research through the NavalX Central Florida Tech Bridge.


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