Isaiah Breakfast Speaker Series – Dr. Gary Zola - Great Voices, Civil Rights and American Reform Judaism

  • April 23, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Eastern Standard Time

Ticket Price $0.00-$15.00 This event is now over

Isaiah Breakfast Speaker Series, sponsored by Brotherhood


Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Gary Zola

Great Voices, Civil Rights and American Reform Judaism

Sunday, April 23

9:15am – In-Person Breakfast

10:00am - Speaker presented In-Person and Zoom/Livestream from the Sanctuary

Please join us for our last Breakfast Speaker of the year!

The morning will start with remembrance of Rabbi Cary Yales by Rabbi David Wolfman, followed by our Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Gary Zola, Executive Director of The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (AJA).

Have you ever wondered how some of the leading American rabbis handled pivotal world events from the pulpit?  What did American rabbis tell their congregants about topics such as the rise of Adolph Hitler, the outbreak of World War II, the struggle for Civil Rights in the 1950s and 1960s, and so forth? Dr. Zola will introduce us to some of Reform Judaism's most notable orators.  This will be a rare opportunity for you to actually hear a series of remarkable vocal recordings (digitized with visuals added) of several towering rabbinic voices, all of which come from the AJA's extraordinary historical collection.  This will be your opportunity to listen to sermonic voices that you may know by reputation but have never actually heard.

Dr. Zola’s biography can be found here:

Join us onsite for a FULL BREAKFAST of bagels, smoked salmon, pickled herring, whitefish salad, desserts and more.  On-site attendance is free for Brotherhood members; $15 for guests.  

Zoom link information will be provided after registering for the event.

Date & Time

Sun, Apr 23, 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Temple Isaiah Brotherhood - 55 Lincoln St., Lexington, MA 02421

Our Purpose and Programs

Supported entirely by its members, Brotherhood's purpose is to enhance the feeling of social, religious, spiritual and professional community in our shul. Brotherhood's programs range from intellectually thought provoking, to reflective, to just plain fun, from intimate and personal, to social, to family oriented. Current programs include:

Our Membership

In order to make these programs available, your involvement and support is crucial - Have you joined yet? If not, please do — and perhaps it will be you who generates the spark to start a new program.

Anyone wishing to support the Brotherhood’s activities, events and charities may become a member or make a donation here. If you have any questions, feel free to browse the rest of this website or contact us at  We look forward to seeing you!