Fernwood’s mission is to enrich people's lives by awakening and deepening their appreciation of nature.
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Fernwood Botanical Garden
13988 Range Line RoadLIGHTS NIGHTS:
Friday, November 26, 2021 - Sunday, January 2, 2022
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 5 - 9pm.
Closed December 24 & 25.
THE TRADITION RETURNS: Help inaugurate the return of LIGHTS, Fernwood’s historically popular holiday lights exhibit! LIGHTS 2021 has been completely re-conceived and is projected to attract more than 20,000 visitors over a 21-night run. Revenue from LIGHTS will be used for Fernwood's operations while creating an annual winter tourism focus in SW Michigan and all of Michiana. These experiential evenings will generate economic, cultural, and educational value for the region.
LIGHTS HISTORY: Through 2008, and for the prior fourteen years, Fernwood mounted a “Lights Before Christmas” event that was very popular with the visiting public. This event was staff-designed, installed, and managed. Local support for the event decreased over the years, and the multi-week effort proved challenging for Garden employees. Staff and leadership shifted their focus to year-round program development, creating a multi-year master plan for the Garden, and design, fundraising, and construction of the high-concept Sims Education Center that opened in October 2018.
Nov 26, 2021 - Jan 2, 2022
Fernwood’s mission is to enrich people's lives by awakening and deepening their appreciation of nature.
Find more Fernwood Botanical Garden Events