This package includes the 42 comprehensive career assessment and a 90 minute coaching session.
This Career Assessment provides a detailed assessment of your core values (what motivates you), learning and thinking styles (what environment you thrive in to learn and grow in your career), leadership strengths (where you shine in leadership) & best career matches based on these results.
Navigating career changes and decisions can be a difficult process. The Maxwell Method DISC Career Assessment provides a customized road map for you to discover where you shine and how to maximize your strengths and find your best career choices.
Strengths - What you do best
Weaknesses - How to recognize your blind spots.
Learning Style - Auditory, Visual or Kinesthetic - How you naturally learn.
Communication Style - How you interact with others.
Motivations - The environment you need to thrive.
Career Matches - Career options suited to your strengths.
Thinking style - The LITE model is a unique tool for assessing your thinking style so that you may enhance your learning experiences.
Cognitive styles - Discover if you are a Literal Thinker, Intuitive Thinker, Theoretical Thinker or Experiential Thinker.
Leadership Strengths - Where you excel in leadership.
Perceptive Learning Style - What you need to thrive in a learning environment.
Sign up today for your Career Assessment and Coaching Package.