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Let's go a little further and learn about some medicinal mushrooms, and more about mushroom features and methods of identification. Our talk with visuals, will cover additional types of mushrooms to take you further on your mushrooming journey. Afterwards, we will go out on the Museum trail to find some wild mushrooms! Wear good walking footwear, insect repellant, and bring a cloth or paper bag or basket for collection, and a pocketknife or shears.
Rachel Goclawski is a Massachusetts Certified Educator, Programming Partner with the Sudbury Valley Trustees, Girl Scouts of Eastern MA and is the Resident Naturalist at Waters Farm Preservation in Sutton. Rachel is a Contributing Writer for the Cook's Cook Magazine and for her "day job," she is an IT Specialist for the Dept. of Defense. Visit Rachel's Facebook page for mushrooming and foraging tips and videos:
Date & Time
Sun, Sep 15, 2024 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM