Origins of the Haunt Industry

  • May 22, 2025 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Widener University Communication Studies Department

    Freedom Hall, Widener University
    Chester, Pennsylvania 19013
Ticket Price $16.88 Register Now

Imagine running a successful haunted attraction in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Brian DuBois, a professional backyard haunter, offers insights into the haunt industry. Brian reflects on how to scare the crap out of people since he has been doing just that for 20+ years!

Tickets for this event are $15 and will be available online. All ticket sales are final. 

Widener students are FREE.

This event is in Freedom Hall in the theatre on the first floor. The parking lot by Freedom Hall is located at 17th and Chestnut Streets.

Delco Horror Haven is a non-profit horror arts organization that supports independent filmmakers, authors, artisans, and the community.

Date & Time

Thu, May 22, 2025 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Venue Details

Widener University Communication Studies Department

Freedom Hall, Widener University
Chester, Pennsylvania 19013 Widener University Communication Studies Department