An opportunity for elementary kids to come and explore Neighborhood North’s fantastic exhibits, without the accompaniment of their caregivers. Not only will this give children an experience that they won’t forget, engaging and imagining with their peers, but it also will provide caregivers with time off. Dinner provided for the kids!
- When?
- Third Saturday Night of the month from 5:00 - 8:00 PM
- May 13th
- Third Saturday Night of the month from 5:00 - 8:00 PM
- Where?
- 716 14th Street Beaver Falls
- Cost?
- $10 for the first kid in a family, $5 for any additional children
- Ages?
- K-5th grade
- Registration?
- Attendance is limited to 20 children.
- Purchase a ticket online to reserve a spot for your child. Walk-ins are welcome until we reach 25 children for the event.
Date & Time
Jan 21 - May 13, 2023