Rhode Island Spirits is the home of Rhodium brand premium gins, vodkas, and liqueurs. We believe in offering unique flavors and distinctive spirits. Our commitment to gluten free and organic products is rooted in a belief that everyone should be able to enjoy premium spirits that work with their needs. We forage botanical ingredients and partner with local small farms because we value the uniqueness of Rhode Island and the Blackstone Valley. We seek to make spirits here that could be made nowhere else.
Book an exclusive private tasting event
A small group experience, $15 per person (limit 8 people). One of our staff will guide your tasting session; pick five of our craft distilled spirits to taste and learn about the distinct fresh, farmed and foraged ingredients in each. Your host will discuss our distilling process and suggest cocktail pairings.
Enjoy a reserved space in our comfortable lounge for your group for the tasting and afterwards. Feel free to bring in snacks, or have something delivered. Reservations are required! Please email Amy at tastingroom@rhodeislandspirits.com or call us at 401 856 4111 to set your date and time