RENT Auditions

  • January 13 - 14, 2023
  • Downstage

    12100 Hwy 49 #418
    Gulfport, Mississippi 39503
Ticket Price Free This event is now over

Our spring musical is RENT!! And auditions are right around the corner!! Are you ready to take the stage in 2023!? Come out and audition for RENTl! Please come dressed to learn a short dance combo and prepare a one minute selection from a musical of your choice.  You MUST have a karaoke track to audition - tracks can be found on YouTube and played at auditions! See you there! No day but today! 

Date & Time

Jan 13 - 14, 2023

Venue Details


12100 Hwy 49 #418
Gulfport, Mississippi 39503 Downstage
Downstage Productions Theatre

Downstage Productions Theatre is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization that was founded in 2013. Located at 12100 Highway 49 #418 in Gulfport, MS, right behind Verizon Wireless, Downstage produces shows for all ages throughout the year! 

Disclaimer** Please be mindful that when purchasing tickets, Downstage cannot do ticket transfers, exchanges, or refunds.