Robbie the Fire Omaha
Menuhin Hart and Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein in Omaha Nebraska for one night only. Join us for an incredible comedy show from two unique NYC comedians with very different styles from two long time collaborators and friends who worked together on Rob's Newsroom and The Black Captain. Hosting duties by Quionez Berry.
Menuhin Harts is a NYC based comedian with appearances on Comedy Central and MTV. You can check out his Comedy Central Webseries night Pigeon here: and his stand up here: Menuhin is a brilliant performer with relatable jokes about family, relationships and more.
Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein is the world's most accurate non political commentator. He has jokes and an alternative perspective on everything going on in the world. He is well known for his irreverent commentary on Part Of The Problem and Run Your Mouth Podcast. Check out his 2022 year end recap here:
Date & Time
Sat, Dec 10, 2022 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM