Stardust Collective * Ryan Lane

  • February 2, 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Wussow's Concert Cafe

    324 North Central Avenue
    Duluth, Minnesota 55807
Ticket Price $5.72-$32.64 This event is now over

Stardust Collective -Dynamic song structures and evocative lyrics from writers Aaron Tank and Eric Bong fuel this original rock band. Themes of love, spirituality, hope, politics, beauty and the possibilities of the human spirit are laid on top of this texture-rich rock ensemble. Tank and Bong swap between guitar and bass, backed by the solid foundational drumming of Duluth mainstay Amy Ugstad. The songs are ornamented by the intuitive beauty of Shawna Weaver’s violin and keyboard parts. Two- and three-part vocal harmonies are a keystone of many song choruses. Be prepared to smile, thrash, love, dance, reflect — and sometimes all at the same time.

"Ryan Lane is a very talented and creative song writer who combines this uncanny skill with simple guitar riffs and melodies that compliment, but do not overpower the lyrics. The results of such alchemy are songs that become forever imprinted in the brain,"-Benjamin Barnevald.

Date & Time

Fri, Feb 2, 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Venue Details

Wussow's Concert Cafe

324 North Central Avenue
Duluth, Minnesota 55807 Wussow's Concert Cafe
Wussow's Concert Cafe

Wussow’s Concert Cafe is a locally owned coffeehouse featuring live music, a full espresso bar, homemade seasonal fare, and a fun variety of beer and wine. For over 24 years, Wussow’s has strived to be an inclusive and supportive home for local artists, musicians, writers and everyone in between. We are excited to offer food, beer, tea, and coffee that comes directly from our local community of friends and dreamers. Our stage continues to be the stomping ground for many local musicians and a favorite stop for regional & national touring acts. We love good music, good food, good coffee, and good friends! The next time you’re in the neighboring, stop in and check out what’s cooking in our kitchen and on our stage!

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