We inspire cooks one class at a time
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No Thyme to Cook
14624 Solomons Island Road SouthGather around the table and discover the joys of preparing a memorable Sunday supper, centered around Easter Dinner classics.
You’ll also learn to create a variety of delicious sides, from roasted vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes to flavorful desserts. Plus, you’ll get tips for plating and presentation to make your Sunday supper feel like a special occasion.
Join us for a Sunday Supper that will leave you with both unforgettable memories and the skills to cook up your own holiday-worthy lamb feast!
Deviled Eggs
Main Course:
Rum Brown Sugar Glazed Roast Ham
Braised Vegetable Medley
Roast Garlic Mashed Potatoes with Fresh Gravy
Spiced Carrot Cake with Buttercream Frosting
What To Expect
Great cooking is about more than just recipes—it's about celebrating culinary experiences with a foodie community. In this class, you'll learn with other students in a positive, interactive environment led by our professional chef instructor.
Experience Options
No Thyme to Cook: Stir Up Your Inner Chef!
Sun, Apr 6, 2025 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
We inspire cooks one class at a time
Find more No Thyme to Cook Events and Food & Drink events in Solomons