Tinsley Ellis "Naked Truth" Solo Acoustic

  • Ute Theater Reserve & GA

    132 East 4th Street
    Rifle, Colorado 81650
This event is now over

Now, with Naked Truth, Ellis will bring his music directly to his fans. “Two guitars and a car,” he says of the simplicity of his North American touring situation. “When folks come to see me, I’ll have the guitars I used on the record with me, so what fans hear on the album is what they’ll get live. It’s not easy. Now I’m the whole band and there’s nowhere to hide. It’s scary every single time I go up on stage alone. But nothing could be more honest.”


Venue Details

Ute Theater Reserve & GA

132 East 4th Street
Rifle, Colorado 81650 Ute Theater Reserve & GA
Ute Events Center - CIty of Rifle
The Ute Theater Box Office is the official ticket source of events at the Ute Events Center, the City of Rifle, and throughout the area.

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