Healing Story Alliance is a not-for-profit, educational, arts organization which provides online resources and concert, workshop, and community programming in support of storytelling as a healing art.
This 80 minute video is comprised of core concepts and activity prompts excerpted from Lani Peterson’s four-hour virtual workshop produced by Healing Story Alliance on May 21, 2023. It guides us on a remarkable Heroine’s Journey. Through telling our stories and listening to the stories of others who walk a similar path, we can explore within ourselves and between each other, the underlying knowledge, skills, and support we need to help us live our lives more fully.
Throughout our life’s journey we face challenges that reveal to us who we are in our depths, who walks with us, what we know and what we still need to learn. Whether we are looking at the arc of a day or the journey of a lifetime, we find similar patterns of being pulled into experiences that we sometimes embrace, and many times just endure. As women, what aspects of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey are unique to us, and how might we benefit from sharing our stories of challenge and triumph with our sisters?
More about the Workshop:
Finding the path can best be done through exploring the cornerstone stories of:
- Who I was before: Where did my story begin? How have early life context and experiences influenced who I have become?
- Who I am now: What have been the obstacles and challenges I have faced and what have I learned through meeting them? How have I changed because of it?
- Who I want to be: Where do I want my story to go from here? What do I want to continue to practice, learn and know as I heal and continue to grow?
- Sharing what I know: What do I want others to know that might help ease their own journey?
About the Presenter
Lani Peterson’s background includes over 25 years as a professional storyteller and coach combined with a doctorate in psychology from William James College, a master’s in counseling psychology from Lesley University and an undergraduate degree in literature from Smith College. She has taught Effective Organizational Communications Skills for Non-Profit Leaders in the master’s program at Wheelock College and currently teaches Healing through our Stories in the Expressive Therapies master’s track at Lesley University.
From CEO’s to scientists, doctors, mental health providers, ministers and the homeless, she has worked with individuals, groups and organizations to help people find their stories, share their stories, and come together with a deeper level of connection and understanding.
The intellectual content and design of this virtual workshop were created by Lani Peterson Psy.D. © 2023 All Rights Reserved
Date & Time
Jul 25, 2023 8:00 AM - Jul 25, 2025 10:00 AM