
Inaugural Meeting:   Aug 15th to Oct 15th.  VIRTUAL/ONE PER INDUSTRY

Second SWARM / SIGNAL BOOST hive will be Sept. 16th to Nov. 16th. 

Benefits of Virtual Signal Boost Paid Group/SWARM :

1. Exclusive Industry Category Guaranteed/ One Member Per Industry. (All of this takes place in a PRIVATE Facebook Group you get invited to once you pay.)

2. Social Connections : Network with other business owners. We can brainstorm and spit-ball for your business. Use us (and our private FB group) as your advisory board. Ask for what you need.

3. LIVE Swarming. (1st and 3rd Monday P.M.: Group meets online in the FB group to “Swarm” each other's social media assets.

4. Referrals and introductions. ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED in group chats. (Twice per month.) These will also be mini SWARM session during the day time 2nd and 4th Thursdays before 2pm Pacific.

5. Professional development via Topic Experts invited to speak to group LIVE on our private group. (Do you have an expertise you would like to speak about? LMK.)

6. OFFERS: Opportunity to other members twice per month. (Members are invited to share their special offer specifically for the other members.)

7. LIVE ZOOM : Meet all of the members via ZOOM or video on the F.B. Group. (Once per 2 month session at the kick off of the virtual group.)

8. Accountability Partners: Each month you are assigned 2 other members to FOCUS on and support ONLINE. That could mean write a Google Review, write a FB review, share a event link, talk 1 on 1, introduce to your network, write a LinkedIn Recommendation, etc.)

9. Private FB Group for PAID private members only specific to each group. And then later, a larger Facebook public group that will be for ALL businesses who have ever paid and participated in one of our two month long SWARMS.

10. Opportunity to do some VIRTUAL follows and friending. (When prompted, share your FB / IG / YT / LI assets is both the private group and the public group.)

Main SWARM website:

*** When swarming and giving COMMENT LOVE, please be aware that you will need to comment more than 4 words on all social media sites. SHARES and COMMENTS are required. Just " LIKES " are not enough for this group. ***

Members must remain in GOOD STANDING to continue in future HIVES and to stay in the Private and Public Facebook Group.  (IE: No spamming, no recruiting, no adding members to your email list without permission, meet your accountability requirements, be kind, be helpful, share your knowledge.  All decisions about membership are made by Sonya Paz and me.) At the half way point in each HIVE, paid members will be offered a $20 off code for the NEXT HIVE.

Venue Details
ONLINE - Virtual Only
, , California, , United States
I have been running Sassy Networking in the San Jose Bay Area since 2010. I created Bay Area Signal Boost in 2018 and this virtual SWARM / SIGNAL Boost is a spin-off of my in-person Signal Boost meetings we have monthly in San Jose