Work in Process (Virtual Showing) | Jenna Pollack | Boston Dancemakers Residency Showcase

  • Sat, Aug 7, 2021 8:00 AM
  • Eastern Standard Time

Ticket Price Free This event is now over

Work in Process, Virtual Showing of Excerpts and Interviews

Sunday, August 7 | 7-day online access

A private Vimeo link will be sent to ticket buyers on the morning of August 7th to view the performance for 7 days. 

This work-in-process by choreographer Jenna Pollack and sustainable designer Dr. Benjamin Linder furthers a collaboration inside the Olin College of Engineering Sketch Model initiative. They are exploring the intersection of materiality and agency, working inside states of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction to consider what is in our control.

Date & Time

Sat, Aug 7, 2021 8:00 AM

Boston Center for the Arts
Boston Center for the Arts (BCA) supports working artists to create, perform, and exhibit new works; develops new audiences; and connects the arts to community. To learn more, visiting


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