Category Archives: Events

Using Event Management Software to Run Your Spring...

  • Riley Manning
    by Riley Manning • March 29, 2022

Winter events keep guests huddled inside. By contrast, spring events bring people out, and your spring event can host huge numbers with the right event...

4 Things to Look For in an Event...

  • Riley Manning
    by Riley Manning • March 16, 2022

Your festival will be the most talked about event this spring. Don’t let a clunky event registration tool, high costs, and unnecessarily challenging event ticketing...

The Simplest Alternative to Eventbrite for Running Your...

  • Riley Manning
    by Riley Manning • August 6, 2021

You’ve got your event planned, your venue secured, and your dates locked. Your initial thought may be to sell tickets through the ubiquitous Eventbrite; however,...

VW Festival in Wales using CodeReadR and SimpleTix

  • Aron Kansal
    by Aron Kansal • August 4, 2016

As an event planner, some things — like the strength ofWi-Fi or cell phone reception — are not always in your control. The SimpleTix integration with CodeReadR is...

How to Build Brand Awareness Through Festivals

  • Aron Kansal
    by Aron Kansal • January 28, 2016

Whether your festival features live music, local craft beers or performance art, SimpleTix can help you boost brand recognition as you bring together like-minded people...

5 Check-in Problems to Avoid at your Next...

  • Aron Kansal
    by Aron Kansal • January 21, 2016

Registration is one of the most important aspects of your entire event. When attendees first arrive at your venue, the experience they have during check-in...

5 Event Trends in the Resort Space

  • Aron Kansal
    by Aron Kansal • August 27, 2015

Whether your resort space is well known for hosting events or you’re ready to grow that reputation, there are multiple event trends that you need...

Sell More Tickets—More Easily

Attractions, seasonal events, performing arts centers and festivals love SimpleTix because it makes selling tickets… Simple!