Evaluate eticketing systems carefully
Everyone today wants to make things faster, easier and more efficient and if you are an event planner or organizer you want to do all you can to make your patrons happy.
When it comes to buying and selling event tickets, no one wants a hassle. Your customers are wired and they are mobile. You need to be, too. That’s where turning to an eticketing solution could be the answer to your prayers and comfort to your patrons.
When you examine options for e-ticketing, the first consideration has to be ease of use. A complex ticketing process can cause headaches for your staff and leave your patrons frustrated.
You should also factor in the service fees. TicketYak.com provides a eTicketing service fee calculator so you can see the final costs of different systems.
The next consideration should be validation. Sure we all expect everyone to be honest and above board, but reality has taught us to expect less. Keeping scammers at bay requires having a secure, easy to use, and flexible validation system.
With those two essentials in place, it is time to consider options. Does the system provide you with a way to interact with patrons and for your patrons to interact with you? Does it have options for social media exposure? Does it have easy access for mobile use via cell phones and tablets? Can it generate customer reports and statistics for you?
These are among the potential benefits an e-ticketing system can provide.
At SimpleTix, we can answer many of those questions for you and provide easy to use, secure and interactive e-ticketing solutions no matter what your event. To learn more about the benefits of e-ticketing, contact us.
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