SimpleTix Goes Green with Paper-Free Ticketing
SimpleTix sites generate over 1,000 tickets each day. That’s a lot of paper. To keep that paper out of landfills, SimpleTix encourages people to use their smartphone at the event rather printing out tickets.
Recent studies show most people prefer using their phone to show their tickets instead of having to bring the printed version. Instead of scrambling for printed tickets that may have been purchased weeks ago, your customers can relax – they’ve already got their smartphones, so they’re good to go!
We’re not the only ones encouraging businesses to look for paper-free options. The information management organization AIIM created World Paper Free Day to encourage businesses to reduce paper usage for increased efficiency and a cleaner environment.
The event’s mantra, “moving businesses into the 21st century without the paper trail” encapsulates the goals of SimpleTix: we want to help your business move forward with stand-out innovations. And, we believe these innovations should offer your customers services that improve their lives and the planet.
This year, celebrate World Paper Free Day by committing to:
1. Conscientiously make a point to not print
2. Investigate a business process or technology that can cut the paper waste in your office
3. Participate or produce a local Paper Free Day Event
To get started on #2, check out SimpleTix for a paper-free ticketing option. It’s a small step that can have a huge impact on the planet, and your customers will appreciate your commitment to reducing paper waste as well.
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